“Merry Christmas (God Is Imaginary)”: The Live Video
Well, we threatened promised you a live video from the office talent show, and here it is! Rock to the strains of our christmas hit; jump for festive joy; marvel at the santa beard (worn below the chin to facilitate singing) accentuating a face in need of a salad-based New Year’s resolution!

The Considerable Christmas E.P
Do you ever wonder what happened to the E.P? Well, if you’re under 35 and not dull, probably not, but we think it’s time to rescue what downloads consigned to history’s bin … and the movement starts right here with our very own christmas E.P!

Merry Christmas (God Is Imaginary)
It’s time again to decorate your Pagan tree, exchange Norse gifts, enjoy a Roman feast, and celebrate the birth of a Persian god as you await the arrival of a jolly Scandinavian fat guy … and here’s the accompanying blasphemous festive soundtrack!
Just a few more sleeps ’till “Christmas”
So, you’re no doubt throwing yourselves around the nearest mosh pit to the strains of our first album, but that’s not all we’ve got for you this year! That’s right, it’s nearly “Christmas” time …

Fire In The Hole
What better way to round out the year than with the release of our first album? Okay, a huge lottery win or cancer cure would be better but, since we don’t play and aren’t epidemiologists, a complete package of our songs will have to do!