Planned Obsolescence: The Topical E.P
Isn’t it just typical the way reality heartlessly insists on marching away from events you’ve written about, thus rendering your take on them progressively less relevant over time? Or, to put it another way, welcome to our E.P of topical stuff that dates annoyingly swiftly.

Keep Calm and Carry On
Musically nailing your colours to the mast of a given subject can be tricky – especially when all you really want to do is nail Nigel Farage’s genitals to a passing Eurostar – but, the fact is, we’re still angry. Really quite a bit.

The Love E.P
Ah, love … it brings out the poet in us all. Or, in our case, it brings out the sarcastic, piss-taking sods. Welcome to our new E.P, a collection of songs guaranteed to induce looks of deep concern when you use them as the soundtrack to your next candlelit dinner.

Forever And A Day
It has often been said that French is the language of love … not being experts we couldn’t possibly comment, but there is one thing we do know for certain; the language of love songs is clearly psychopathy.