Be Excellent To Each Other
Once again it’s that time of year when we all get together to share gifts, memories, and arguments with elderly relatives about Brexit and how we ought to “send back anyone with a touch of the tar brush about them”. It’s also that time when we announce our forthcoming christmas song!
Yes, this is just a quick post to let you know that, within the next couple of weeks (certainly in time for the festivities of the season) we shall be releasing our epic “We Are The World” style charity single promoting peace on earth, goodwill to all, and trying your best not to be ghastly towards others in a way that would necessitate obtaining access to six-feet of earth and a shovel.
So, stay tuned, and as you rush around buying presents for everyone remember that we like nice chocolate biscuits, preferably Hob Nobs or those posh range ones that all the supermarkets do.