The Ubiquitous E.P
We are ubiquitous. We are IED. We usually forgive. We regularly forget. Expect us. At tea time. Especially if there are biscuits. This is our brand new E.P, a collection of songs about people and things which are seemingly bloody everywhere.

Lament For An Unsung Universe
It’s christmas … a time for helping the less fortunate, and where every other tune is about Jesus or Santa. This year we shall use a single stone to kill two robins, with a song for the one thing that hasn’t got one: the universe.

Gig news! Christmas chuckles!
If you’re in the Plymouth area on December 4th, you might want to come down to The Woodside on Gasking Street at 8pm as we, along with a number of other mirth-mongers, will be playing Plymouth Comedy Avengers’ christmas show!
Time for a “Tea Break”?
When a hard-working comedy band wants to “take five”, what do they do? The answer, you may be surprised to learn, is to sit down to tea and biscuits and engage in witty, intelligent, sophisticated conversation. What? Why are you laughing?

Oh, Nigel Farage!
The best laid plans of mice and men, eh? So, there we were working on our new E.P, holding back songs until everything was ready to go … then, out of the blue, former Radio 1 DJ Mike Read does something collossally stupid!