“Song For Nic”: The Video
First came the blog post, then the song, and now, finally, the video. Yes, we’re very proud to present our first video, “Song For Nic”; an affectionate tribute to an inveterate pain in the arse and thoroughly decent, lovely guy that the world is poorer for having lost.
Capturing St. Winifred
Hey folks, time for another update (what do you mean, “So what?”) Anyway, the first bit of news is that we’ve completed our first video shoot, managing to film two whole songs in one session. The first is being edited as we speak and should be ready to release in about a week’s time!
“Christmas” is coming …
We promised to keep you posted on our plans for the coming month or two, and keep you posted we will! Our christmas song is written, and all non-organic instruments recorded – just stringed things and face noises left to record! Which is just as well …
Rehearsals, christmas E.Ps, and videos
Right folks, that’s your lot! No more songs for you! Well, okay, not exactly, but we’re taking a short break from releasing a new song every fortnight for the next month or two. Rest assured, it’s all for good reasons! Read on …

Repent! The end of Gardener’s World is nigh! It looks like we finally made it to our thirteenth song, just in time to usher in the beginning of the end … for what started as one man’s relaxing hobby soon became hot firey doom for us all …