The Ballad of Dick Littledick
Read all about it! Learn the shocking true story behind one of the most despicable rogues ever to drag his muddy feet across the carpet of Fleet Street – and you won’t even have to collect tokens from the The Daily Hate (or The Hate On Sunday)!
“O’Malley’s”, apps, and stuff
Howdy, folks! We hope you’re enjoying our jaunt into country and western, erm, country, with “Knifecrime Island”. This is just to let you know that our next song (currently code named: “Closing Time at O’Malley’s”) will be posted next weekend (13th – 14th), so set a pint aside for that one.

Knifecrime Island
They say a wedding day is the happiest of your life; the start of a new journey as the two of you head down life’s road, into the sunset, hand in hand … but this is country, so the road is long, the journey is pain, and your hand is reaching for the nearest gun.
“Miaow Miaow”, mixes, and more
It’s getting very busy around here! Song 6 (code name: “Miaow Miaow”) is recorded, mixed, and ready to release on June 29th (despite what the typo on our Facebook page says), and there’s still more to come!

Song For Nic
What can we say about Nic? A lot, but as we’re not ones for the usual platitudes that do a man no justice we’ll instead refer to our friend as a Whovian, a lover of things Apple, and the kind of maverick who has persistently refused to register a pulse for the last two years.