Fractured Skull Alarm Clock
It’s that spooky time of year again, but there’s no need to fear the zombies, ghosts, werewolves, or witches because there’s actually something even more terrifying … potentially near-fatal encounters with masonry.

The Laughing Electorate
There’s a profound yet simple truth about the British: it’s okay if we don’t get what we want, so long as we can have a bloody good laugh instead. The snap election of 2017 more than delivered the goods.

#KatieMustGo 2017
Ahh, the general election; a time for debates, campaign speeches, empty promises, and self-important, D-list celebrities threatening to emigrate if the rest of us don’t elect the person they want to see in office.

Piers Morgan Is A Cock
It’s Easter half-term, so everyone’s on holiday – even us! We’re taking a break from our usual brand of intelligent, subtle, and witty musical satire to instead bring you a few minutes of entirely deserved gratuitous verbal abuse.

Drat The Peelers!
They are often referred to as the “thin blue line”, although many have implied over the years that the line might in fact be somewhat thicker. Not us, of course … we’d never stoop to making such a crass insinuation.