Piers Morgan Is A Cock
It’s Easter half-term, so everyone’s on holiday – even us! We’re taking a break from our usual brand of intelligent, subtle, and witty musical satire to instead bring you a few minutes of entirely deserved gratuitous verbal abuse.

Drat The Peelers!
They are often referred to as the “thin blue line”, although many have implied over the years that the line might in fact be somewhat thicker. Not us, of course … we’d never stoop to making such a crass insinuation.

Don’t Tell Anyone I’m A Spy
He is suave, sophisticated, and cool. He is also nihilistic, sexist, and amoral but, surprisingly, these are not his worst qualities. That honour must surely belong to the fact that everyone knows who the bloody hell he is.

We Wanna Start A Fire
We don’t usually do lyric parodies, preferring instead to inflict our own original creations upon you … but, with all that’s happened recently this just seemed to be the perfect vehicle for saying simply: fuck this year.

Stop Killing People, You Twats
It is often said that Christmas is a time for peace on Earth, and goodwill to all, but it seems that neither the year itself (or a substantial number of people living in it) have actually gotten that message.