The Pig Society
As satirists we’re used to going for extended periods without discovering a rich vein of suitable material to mine. When you do eventually strike comedic gold, however, it’s better than christmas.

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Radiohead
When people talk of Radiohead the words “miserable” and “as fuck” get thrown around a lot, which is entirely unfair when you discover that one of their earliest demos was positively brimming with unbridled cheer.

Ahh, the general election; a time for debates, campaign speeches, empty promises, and self-important, D-list celebrities threatening to emigrate if the rest of us don’t elect the person they want to see in office.

One Million Twats
Well, this wasn’t exactly what we had planned for this week, but on seeing the petition demanding a certain scouring pad-haired media blight be reinstated had hit 900,000 signatures we agreed it was time to act.

As the cavalcade of fundraising rolls round, and we swear at the TV for the lack of comedy or relief, one question remains: when is that pompous tax-dodging millionaire demanding we give generously going to bugger off?