Lament For An Unsung Universe
It’s christmas … a time for helping the less fortunate, and where every other tune is about Jesus or Santa. This year we shall use a single stone to kill two robins, with a song for the one thing that hasn’t got one: the universe.

Oh, Nigel Farage!
The best laid plans of mice and men, eh? So, there we were working on our new E.P, holding back songs until everything was ready to go … then, out of the blue, former Radio 1 DJ Mike Read does something collossally stupid!

How To Play With Your Willy (Die, Mortal! Mix)
What’s this? You’ve been patiently awaiting new stuff and we give you a poxy bloody remix?! Well, in fairness, it’s actually quite a good remix, a taster of the song live, and it’s something to keep you occupied while we hone and perfect the new stuff!

Who Said You Could Die, You Bastard?!
Hey, kids! Stop snogging, and pay attention to me! ‘Cause if you’re a wild-eyed loner standing at the gates of oblivion, then hitch a ride with us … this really IS the last freedom moped out of Nowhere City. Don’t tell your parents!

Bitter Twitter Tweep Weep
Ah, glam rock! The glitter! The big boots! The heavy use of androgyny and sexual ambiguity to challenge traditional gender roles! Sounds like the perfect genre for us to make fun of angry twats using micro-blogging sites to abuse women.